I always customize my classes and retreats to meet the specific needs of your group. Classes normally are 2 hours but easily can accommodate other time frames. I also present keynote addresses and overnight retreats. I look forward to planning a future event with you!
Blessings, Sue
Prayer Bead Classes The word bead comes from the middle English word bede, which means to pray. Participants will learn to use beads as an art medium as well as a meditation tool.
Circle of Life This is the introduction to using beads to deepen our prayer experience. The group will begin with a prayer service using pre-made Circle of Love Meditation Bracelets. I will give an overview of the history and use of prayer beads. Then, each person will have the opportunity to make a circle of love bracelet using a wide selection of Czech glass and semi-precious stones. We will discuss the design that each person chose and how he or she plans to use their bracelet. Then close with a worship time to bless the bracelets.
Gratitude Beads In this class we will make set of gratitude beads. They are used for counting blessings, affirmations, hopes and dreams. The beads are strung so that when you pull a bead it leaves a space to mark your place.
Peace beads We will make a set of peace beads honoring the six directions and the four elements.
Coming Home to Healing Learn how to make your home a peaceful sanctuary that nourishes your body, mind and spirit while also being a place to welcome guests with hospitality and grace. Using ritual, discussion and art we will learn how to envision our home as a sacred space. We will set goals for building an environment that reflects our true self. We will look at the history and lore of creating altars within the home and then make a collage of colors, pictures and words to translate our dreams into action. We will also make a set of Home Blessing beads and begin to write a House Blessing or a Welcome Home Blessing.
Beaded Blessings Participants will make two palm-sized prayer packets, one to keep and one to include in a traveling exhibit. This class uses bead embroidery on quilting cotton.
Spiritual Journey Necklace
A two-part class to create a necklace of beads and charms that follows your life story.
Journaling as a Spiritual Practice Daily journaling is a way to give yourself time to clear your mind, set priorities, or record your personal history. Whether you are a novice at journaling or have been doing it for a long time, this class will give you some ideas and prompts to jumpstart your writing practice.
Spirit of Knitting Come and knit and listen to stories about knitting as a communal activity that has been shared by circles of women throughout the ages. We will be making a spirit bag necklace that combines yarns from each participant. It will be a restful retreat day with times of silence joined with conversation, gentle relaxation exercises and good company. All skills levels are welcome ? all you need to know is the basic knit stitch. The Spirit Bag is easy to learn and fun to do. The bag is just the right size to hold your scissors, stitch markers and knitting notions. Bring a pair of straight size 10 knitting needles and one ball of yarn in a color that reflects your spirit. (Any kind of plain, regular weight yarn will do.) You may also bring a knitting project of your own to work on. Labyrinth Facilitation and Building These classes are customized depending on the space available. I have four floor canvas labyrinths available to walk. 1. Four 3-circuit labyrinths that represent the four seasons 2. Classical 7-circuit design 3. Chartres 11-circuit labyrinth
4. Baltic Heart labyrinth 5. A knitted labyrinth that may be uses in many different configurations
Finger Labyrinths
The labyrinth is an ancient symbol that represents wholeness. It is used as a tool for problem solving, stress relief and healing. In this class the students will learn about various labyrinth designs and the history of labyrinths around the world. We will draw, color and embellish a finger labyrinth and discuss its many uses.
30 Steps to Welcoming the Labyrinth into your Life
We will explore the evolution of the labyrinth pattern from the circle to the spiral to the double helix, to the 3-circuit, 7-citcuit and Chartres pattern. We will explore different ways to experience the labyrinth walk.
Clay Blessing Bowls - Creating Simplicity
Deciding to live a simpler life can be a counter-cultural choice in a world dominated by materialism, individualism and growthism. We will make clay blessing bowls and use them in an anointing ritual. The bowl reminds us of the begging bowls that monks carried. Each day people in the community would fill up their empty bowls and in return the monks would teach them lessons. We can visualize ourselves as vessels abundantly filled with spiritual and material wealth. Our choices of how we use what we are given affect the world in which we live. We invite the sacred into our lives through decluttering, centering prayer and time management.
The Four Elements Take a Breath - the Holy Spirit as inspiration The Transforming Power of Fire - Sharing our stories of turning points in our lives and affirming our personal spiritual journeys Walking the Labyrinth, Honoring the Earth - the importance of movement and prayer in balancing mind, body and spirit Reflections on Water - The stories of three biblical women beside the water lead us to an understanding of our own past, present and future and the power of expanding our Now.
Women's Ways of Worship Exploring the methods and practices that expand women?s worship experience and nourish our relationship with the sacred. Topics include art, movement, prayer, silence, chant, storytelling, feminist theology and ritual.
Concerning Prayer
An exploration of traditional and authentic Christian methods of praying including Lectio Divina, Icons, Centering Prayer, Prayer Beads, Labyrinth, Taize and Examin.